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- Commercial Venus Exploration


Scientific exploration is the mission of all mankind. With the help of commercial cooperation, we can promote the development of deep space exploration. Venus is the closest planet to us, the morning star, Venus, a beautiful and mysterious place that contains the secrets of the origin of life and the evolution of the solar system. Scientists have chosen it as the first stop for exploration.

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Establish the Venus Exploration Foundation

• 负责项目的筹资、管理和实施。

• 组织专家委员会,负责项目的科学决策和监督。


• This foundation will spearhead fundraising, manage the project, and oversee its implementation.

• An expert committee will be established to provide scientific guidance and ensure project oversight.

Organize Scientific Research

• 设立科学研究基金,资助国内外专家学者开展金星探测的科学研究。

• 建立金星探测交流社区,为科研人员提供数据共享、技术交流、成果预发布的平台。


• The Venus Exploration Scientific Research Fund will be created to support research endeavors by international experts and scholars

• A dedicated data-sharing platform will be established to facilitate research by providing crucial information

Enhance Public Awareness

• 建立金星探测科普教育平台,提供科普教育资源。

• 组织公众参与金星探测活动,激发公众对科学探索的热情


• A comprehensive Venus Exploration Science Education Platform will be developed to offer educational resources and foster public understanding.

• Public participation in Venus exploration activities will be encouraged to ignite public enthusiasm for scientific exploration.

Expand Cross-disciplinary Collaboration

• 全过程艺术家合作,促进科学与艺术结合,激发创造灵感,增加金星探索科学技术传播。

• •企业家和金融家合作,探索商业模式和投资机会,推动金星探测事业的可持续发展。


• We will forge partnerships with artists to translate scientific discoveries into captivating artistic expressions, sparking public interest in the wonders of Venus

• Collaboration with entrepreneurs and financiers will be crucial to explore viable business models and secure investment opportunities, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Venus exploration endeavor.

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